Thursday, November 27, 2008

The factors involved - Feasibility

There are a myriad factors involved in getting this project running. We need to brainstorm on these to come up with the optimal solutions. These factors could be classified as below:

  • Research and planning - Look at other similar schemes and capture the information on the logistics, modes of operation, pros and cons, security donsiderations etc. To organise the ideas that come up on the mailing lists. To evolve action plans based on the same, and to collate and unify the plans on the various facets of the project.
  • Government approval - The authorities and BBMP need to approve not only the project, but also sanction real estate for the cycle stands, and make possible cycle lanes etc. We need to figure out the modalities of legal tender as well
  • Police approval - From Traffic police and the regular city police - Traffic and security considerations
  • Funding - Budgeting, listing of sources and sinks for funds
  • Cycle stands - Ideas, design and locations / logistics, contacting companies, manufacturers of smart card solutions
  • Cycles - make, durability, maintenance
  • Infrastructure for membership - ID systems, automation
  • Security - From vandalism, theft
  • Logistics of rental mechanism - Card systems, banking systems, address and ID proofs etc
A lot of these fields will morph, and new fields will crop up in time, and will be updated in this entry. This entry will also be linked to posts on the individual fields as those posts are written...


kgthegreat said...

One thing comes to mind : The upcoming metro lines in bangalore. The coaches should be cycle friendly. It will be helpful if one can easily load one's cycle and get down and cycle away to glory.

plenipot said...

Just an idea... one of the cycling companies or perhaps even a group of cycle vendors across Bangalore can pitch in as sponsors.

If this catches on it would help their business too.

Abhi said...

Great Initiative !I am in. How about meeting up sometime soon(this weekend ? or is it too early) by scheduling at an appropriate place, where we can collectively share our ideas and create some kind of action plan and delegate work to implement this initiative.
